Accidents are never fun, to say the least. We understand that accidents and vehicle collisions occur and that throughout the day, hundreds of cars are being subjected to them, but know that accident towing in Atlanta is here whenever you need us the most, just dial 678-954-3214.

Often, It is difficult for many towing companies to do accident towing because the haphazard nature of accidents can make towing a vehicle after an accident complicated, depending on the kind of accident it may be.


Fender Bender

Have you been in a fender bender? Often these types of vehicle accidents do not often require a tow truck in Atlanta, because the facilities of the tires and engines may still be in working condition and can drive itself home or to a mechanic. But, often, for car insurance purposes, it’s best to get a car towed after a fender bender.

Need an Accident Tow?
Call Us at 678-954-3214

You are going to need to consult with our friendly accident tow truck dispatchers about your incident If your car hit an inanimate object like a:

  • Light post
  • Fence
  • Pillar
  • Building

A professional accident towing company can check your damages and see what will be needed to be done before you need your car or truck towed after an accident.


Rear-End Collision

If you have rear-ended someone, there are now minimum two vehicles that are involved in the collision. The person whose rear-end was involved, usually will suffer minor to medium damages that may render the vehicle immobile and in need of a tow after an accident.

If you were the vehicle from behind, your engine, radiator, alternator and other mechanisms in the front of your car could possibly be damaged without you knowing and could render your car immobile. If this is the case, do not start your car, as it may ignite a flame cause an explosion. If you’ve been in a rear end accident and need a car towed, call our team at 678-954-3214.